Saturday 12 October 2013

Brian Pead, part 6

December 2009

1.            From contributing as an author to the book entitled FRAMED!, I have seen a significant amount of evidence which shows that Brian Pead was innocent of the charge of Incitement against a female under the age of 16 who did not even exist.

2.            From a thorough examination of the evidence in the case, I now make the following statements:

3.            It is my belief that Dominic Bell (of 1 Inner Temple Lane Chambers and formerly of Charter Chambers) conspired and perverted the course of justice.

4.            I believe that he deceived the Court.

5.            I believe that he deceived his Client.

6.            I believe that Mr Bell failed to adduce more than 125 exhibits which would have demonstrated his client’s innocence.

7.            I believe that Mr Bell failed to call key witnesses as to fact.

8.            One such key witness was Geoffrey Bacon, a man of great integrity and who had been cleared by the Home office to work in police, royal and government institutions.

9.            I believe that the prosecutor, Timothy Forster (Furnival Chambers), was complicit in a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice and that he did, in fact, pervert the course of justice.

10.       I believe that the following police officers in the case committed perjury, perverted the course of justice, embarked upon a course of conduct that amounts to misconduct in public office and made false representations: DC Julia Godfrey, DS Jason Tunn, DC Rebecca Hall, PC Jane Sargeant, DC Robbie and DS Saib.

11.       I believe that Judge Nicholas Loraine-Smith perverted the course of justice by pretending that there was a trial on 23 December 2009 (after the legal term had finished); that he put a jury under duress, that he allowed a jury not to be sworn in in accordance with the law, that he failed to allow the defendant to adduce evidence into court showing demonstrable police corruption.

12.       I believe that Nicola Noone of Off Centre Counselling Service in Hackney perverted the course of justice at the trial.

13.       I believe that Nicola Noone of Off Centre Counselling Service in Hackney committed perjury at the trial.

14.       I believe that Maya Walker of Off Centre Counselling Service in Hackney perverted the course of justice by failing to provide evidence to the court that she had attended staff training on the topic of child sexual abuse taken by Brian Pead in his role as a counsellor with Off Centre.

15.       I believe that Angela Shaw, a solicitor of AA Mirsons (now of Leslie Franks Solicitors), conspired to pervert the course of justice and that she did pervert the course of justice.

16.       I believe that the email sent to Brian Pead by Alasdair Palmer of the Daily Telegraph on 20 August 2012 is a bona fide copy. The email states: “...It is clear to me that you were indeed the victim of an injustice...”

17.       I believe that the Affidavit of Michael Bird – a witness at the trial and also a member of the public during the trial – is a true account of the unlawful trial.

18.       I believe that Mr Bell subsequently harassed Mr Pead in June and July 2013 by calling his personal mobile when he had never been provided with the number.

19.       I also believe that Mr Bell was intimidating a prospective witness against him when he called Mr Pead on his mobile phone.

September 2011 – November 2011

20.       From evidence that I have seen, Mr Pead was held on remand for the alleged witness intimidation of his own grand-daughter, Emily Birch (then aged 12).

21.       I believe that Emily Birch has never been a witness in any trial.

22.       I believe that the Metropolitan Police Service (hereinafter “the MPS”) falsely imprisoned Mr Pead in Belmarsh Prison and Wandsworth Prison and that his human rights were severely breached by the MPS.

23.       I believe from evidence that I have seen that Brian Pead shared a cell with celebrity gangster Dave Courtney.

24.       I believe from evidence that I have seen that the two men shared stories of police and judicial corruption.

01 November 2011

25.       From the evidence that I have seen, I believe that Mr Pead was unlawfully convicted of the Harassment of his daughter and grand-daughter on 01 November 2011.

26.       I believe that Alan Burcombe of Wellsburcombe Solicitors was complicit in a trial in which the defendant did not receive a trial bundle, in which the witnesses against him did not appear in court, in which no statements made by them were ever read out in court and in which the defendant had a barrister who was also complicit in a false conviction.

27.       The evidence shows, and it is my belief, that the barrister involved was Vedrana Pehar of 2 Bedford Row.

28.       I believe that Mr Burcombe and Ms Pehar have conspired to pervert the course of justice and that they have perverted the course of justice.

29.       I believe from the evidence that I have seen that Mr Paul Birch of 14 Melville Road, Sidcup committed perjury on 01 November 2011.

30.       Before he instructed WellsBurcombe, Mr Pead dealt with Brady, Eastwood, Pierce and Stewart of Deptford. Mr Simon Eastwood deceived his client and the court by entering false evidence into Court with regard to the defendant’s daughter and grand-daughter.

31.       I believe that Mr Eastwood has to answer a charge of perverting the course of justice and deceiving the court.

31 August 2011

32.       I believe from evidence that I have seen that Mr Pead was subject to an unlawful arrest on 31 August 2011 when 8 (eight) police officers and 5 (five) police vehicles were deployed to 89 Days Lane, Sidcup, Kent DA15 8JP at the height of the riots in London. Woolwich High Street was particularly badly subjected to rioting and looting and Bexley Police claimed they did not have sufficient numbers of officers to be deployed in Woolwich, yet they managed to deploy 8 officers to arrest one man living alone.

33.       I believe from evidence that I have seen that Mr Roy Bacon was threatened by the officer in charge and that Mr Bacon was 83 years of age at that time.

34.       I believe from evidence that I have seen that Mr Geoffrey Bacon was threatened with arrest when he asked officers why it took 8 officers to arrest a man living on his own by choice.

35.       I believe from evidence that I have seen that Mr Roy Bacon owned the house that was the subject of an illegal house search on 31 July 2008 and that Mr Geoffrey Bacon owned the computer that was illegally seized by the police on 31 July 2008 and which had its hard drive burnt out by the police.

36.       I believe from evidence that I have seen that Mr Glen Meeking unlawfully allowed the police to use his house and garden as a means of entry to Mr Pead’s house at the rear, where police officers unlawfully attempted to smash down his back door.

37.       I believe from evidence that I have seen that Mr Meeking had originally provided a statement affirming Mr Pead’s good character.

38.       I believe that Mr Meeking should make a statement in which he sets out the fact that he was never contacted by solicitors purporting to be acting on behalf of Mr Pead, that he was lied to by the police when they sought entry to his house and the fact that on 4 January 2010 Mr Meeking had been visited by a police officer posing as a vigilante and informing Mr Pead’s neighbours that he was a “paedophile” and that he had been “convicted by a jury of his peers”.

39.       I believe from evidence that I have seen that the jury was never sworn in in court and that the trial is a nullity.

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