Monday 14 October 2013

E.ON Board of Directors - misconduct in public office; perverting the course of justice

The E.ON Board of Directors [UK] (jointly and severally)


Perverting the Course of Justice

The E.ON (UK) Board of Directors, comprising of Tony COCKER, Dave NEWBOROUGH, David BIRD, Don LEIPER, Fiona STARK, Rene MATTIES, Sara VAUGHAN and Tony AINSWORTH, JOINTLY AND SEVERALLY, between 01 July 2007 and 25 September 2013, with intent to pervert the course of public justice, did a series of acts which had a tendency to pervert the course of public justice in that they:

(i)                 false invoiced Leonard Richard Fulcher for the supplier of electricity against a meter which does not exist on his farm
(ii)               unlawfully applied for a Bankruptcy Petition against Leonard Richard Fulcher (still to be heard)
(iii)             authorised fraudulent documents to be entered into Court proceedings against Leonard Richard Fulcher
(iv)             failed to act on information supplied by Leonard Fulcher that a meter had been stolen from his farm
(v)               provided false information to Norfolk Constabulary
(vi)             allowed Kate PARRY and Thomas DENASH of Parry&Company to adduce fraudulent documents into Court by way of Laura ADCOCK
(vii)           provided false information to Leonard Richard Fulcher
(viii)         conspired with others to falsely imprison Brian Pead
(ix)             conspired with others to cause actual bodily harm to Brian Pead
(x)               conspired with others to harass Brian Pead, Loenard Fulcher and Karen Fulcher
(xi)             failed to report criminal damage to a gate at Ramblewood Farm
(xii)           failed to report criminal damage to a car belonging to E.ON
(xiii)         failed to report an accident
(xiv)         failed to report careless driving
(xv)           failed to report a failure to provide an evidential specimen
(xvi)         failed to report a failure to give permission for a laboratory test
(xvii)       failed to investigate fraudulent invoices when brought to their attention
(xviii)     conspired with District Judge Rutland not to allow incontrovertible evidence into a Hearing 3KL00178 (an Application to Set Aside a Bankruptcy Petition) that a meter claimed by E.ON to be on site at Ramblewood Farm was not, in fact, on that site or under the control of either Leonard Richard Fulcher or Karen Fulcher and that it did not, in fact, exist


The E.ON (UK) Board of Directors, comprising of Tony COCKER, Dave NEWBOROUGH, David BIRD, Don LEIPER, Fiona STARK, Rene MATTIES, Sara VAUGHAN and Tony AINSWORTH, JOINTLY AND SEVERALLY, between 01 July 2007 and 25 September 2013, did pursue a course of conduct amounting to the harassment of Brian Pead and Leonard Richard Fulcher and Karen Fulcher and did cause them alarm and distress contrary to the Protection from Harassment Act 1997.

Fraud by failing to disclose information

The E.ON (UK) Board of Directors, comprising of Tony COCKER, Dave NEWBOROUGH, David BIRD, Don LEIPER, Fiona STARK, Rene MATTIES, Sara VAUGHAN and Tony AINSWORTH, JOINTLY AND SEVERALLY, between 01 July 2007 and 25 September 2013, did commit fraud by deliberately failing to disclose documents to the police, to Leonard Richard Fulcher, to Karen Fulcher, and Brian Pead, and to the Courts, contrary to the Fraud Act 2006.

Fraud by abuse of position

The E.ON (UK) Board of Directors, comprising of Tony COCKER, Dave NEWBOROUGH, David BIRD, Don LEIPER, Fiona STARK, Rene MATTIES, Sara VAUGHAN and Tony AINSWORTH, JOINTLY AND SEVERALLY, between 01 July 2007 and 25 September 2013, did abuse their position as Board Member with E.ON in that he/she/they perpetrated a series of crimes and human rights abuses against Brian Pead, Leonard Richard Fulcher and Karen Fulcher and pursued a course of conduct amounting to the harassment of Pead and the Fulchers, which he/she/they knew, or ought to have known, would cause them alarm and distress, contrary to the Fraud Act 2006 and contrary to the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 and the Human Rights Act 1998.

Fraud by false representation

The E.ON (UK) Board of Directors, comprising of Tony COCKER, Dave NEWBOROUGH, David BIRD, Don LEIPER, Fiona STARK, Rene MATTIES, Sara VAUGHAN and Tony AINSWORTH, JOINTLY AND SEVERALLY, between 01 July 2007 and 25 September 2013, did make false representations and provide false documents to the police and to the Courts in relation to Pead and the Fulchers, contrary to the Fraud Act 2006.


The E.ON (UK) Board of Directors, comprising of Tony COCKER, Dave NEWBOROUGH, David BIRD, Don LEIPER, Fiona STARK, Rene MATTIES, Sara VAUGHAN and Tony AINSWORTH, JOINTLY AND SEVERALLY, between 01 July 2007 and 25 September 2013, were complicit in the unlawful assault on Brian Pead, contrary to section 39 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988.

Criminal Damage

The E.ON (UK) Board of Directors, comprising of Tony COCKER, Dave NEWBOROUGH, David BIRD, Don LEIPER, Fiona STARK, Rene MATTIES, Sara VAUGHAN and Tony AINSWORTH, JOINTLY AND SEVERALLY, on 01 August 2013, were complicit in causing criminal damage to the property owned by Leonard Richard Fulcher and Karen Fulcher, in that a car belonging to E.ON was driven recklessly into a gate at Ramblewood Farm and interfered with the normal running of a fly wheel on the gate, contrary to s. 1(1) of the Criminal Damage Act 1971.

Misuse of Public Funds

The E.ON (UK) Board of Directors, comprising of Tony COCKER, Dave NEWBOROUGH, David BIRD, Don LEIPER, Fiona STARK, Rene MATTIES, Sara VAUGHAN and Tony AINSWORTH, JOINTLY AND SEVERALLY, between 01 July 2007 and 25 September 2013, did misuse public funds in perpetrating crimes and human rights abuses against Brian Pead and Leonard Richard Fulcher and Karen Fulcher.

Failing to Stop or Report an Accident

The E.ON (UK) Board of Directors, comprising of Tony COCKER, Dave NEWBOROUGH, David BIRD, Don LEIPER, Fiona STARK, Rene MATTIES, Sara VAUGHAN and Tony AINSWORTH, JOINTLY AND SEVERALLY, on 01 August 2013, did fail to report an accident after having been informed of criminal damage to a gate on Ramblewood Farm, contrary to the Road Traffic Act 1988, s.170.

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