Monday 14 October 2013

Yoxall 'perverts the course of justice' claims Richard Fulcher and Violet Ecclestone


Misconduct in Public Office

That Basil YOXALL, a Master at the Royal Courts of Justice, on dates between 01 June 2013 and 25 September 2013, wilfully neglected to perform his duty and wilfully misconducted himself to such a degree as to amount to an abuse of the public’s trust in the office holder without reasonable excuse or justification.

Perverting the Course of Justice

That Basil YOXALL, a Master at the Royal Courts of Justice, on dates between 01 June 2013 and 25 September 2013, with intent to pervert the course of public justice, did a series of acts which had a tendency to pervert the course of public justice in that he:

1        participated in an unlawful Hearing on 16 July 2013 in that he attempted to claim that he was hearing 5 claims on the same day
2        unlawfully disallowed the Claimant’s claim for Summary Judgment when the Defendant (Lambeth Council) had not offered a defence or counter-claim
3        conspired with others to unlawfully disallow Summary Judgment in favour of the Claimant
4        deceived the High Court on 16 July 2013 when participating in an application for a permanent gagging order which he knew to be in breach of the Human Rights Act and the laws of England & Wales
5        conspired with others to harass Brian Pead
6        harassed Brian Pead between January 2013 and September 2013
7        failed to report demonstrable criminal offences after reading from Hillsborough to Lambeth


That Basil YOXALL, a Master at the Royal Courts of Justice, on dates between 01 June 2013 and 25 September 2013, did pursue a course of conduct amounting to the harassment of Brian Pead and did cause him and his daughter and grand-children alarm and distress contrary to the Protection from Harassment Act 1997.

Fraud by failing to disclose information

That Basil YOXALL, a Master at the Royal Courts of Justice, on dates between 01 June 2013 and 25 September 2013, did commit fraud by deliberately failing to disclose documents to Brian Pead, and to the High Court, and that he failed to report child grooming, racism, and bullying to the appropriate authorities.

Fraud by abuse of position

That Basil YOXALL, a Master at the Royal Courts of Justice, on dates between 01 June 2013 and 25 September 2013, did abuse his position as a Master in that he (and others) perpetrated a series of crimes and human rights abuses against Brian Pead during corrupt Hearings at the High Court in London and pursued a course of conduct amounting to the harassment of Brian Pead which he knew, or ought to have known, would cause him and his daughter and grand-children alarm and distress, contrary to the Fraud Act 2006 and the Protection from Harassment Act 1997.

Fraud by false representation

That Basil YOXALL, a Master at the Royal Courts of Justice, on dates between 01 June 2013 and 25 September 2013, did knowingly permit false representations and submissions to be made to the High Court by Caroline ADDY and did allow her to provide false documents to the High Court in relation to Brian Pead, contrary to the Fraud Act 2006.

Misuse of Public Funds

That Basil YOXALL, a Master at the Royal Courts of Justice, on dates between 01 June 2013 and 25 September 2013, did misuse public funds in perpetrating crimes against Brian Pead and in allowing crimes to be perpetrated against Brian Pead. He extracted monies from the public purse in the form of funding for Court Hearings and funding for his salary and misappropriated those funds by presiding over Hearings which he knew to be contrary to law and in that he also allowed others to participate in unlawful Hearings and the cover-up of significant crimes.


The assignees state on oath that they believe the persons named in this document to be guilty of perpetrated the crimes outlined in this document (and other crimes not yet identified or named). This document has been prepared without malice or frivolity.

All the rights of Leonard Richard Fulcher, Karen Fulcher, Brian Pead, Violet and Robert Ecclestone are reserved.

It is evident that these crimes are not being investigated by Norfolk Constabulary, which  has a long-established history of failing to investigate crimes which we have reported to them, but we nonetheless send this information to Norfolk Constabulary in the expectation that it will be robustly investigated to the criminal standard.

These allegations by me, my wife and other independent witnesses of sound mind are supported with incontrovertible evidence and are being sent to hundreds of people and organisations who are keen to see justice meted out and both judicial and police corruption eradicated from a court system which is straining under the weight of abuses of process on an ill-informed public.

Whilst these Particulars of Offences focus on James Morgan, Hayes & Storr Solicitors, Fenland District Council, the Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk, Lambeth Council and the Metropolitan Police Service, it is evident that conspiracy has taken place and that others are also culpable of committing crimes whilst in public or judicial office.

The expected outcome is that several arrests will be made, witness statements obtained and criminal charges brought against the perpetrators of the crimes outlined in this document. Nothing less will do.

Please forward on to us a Crime Number in this matter.

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