Friday 18 October 2013

Further human rights abuses of Brian Pead

You have got to hand it to the police ... the bullies just don't care how they operate as long as they can conceal their own corrupt little ways and if that includes taking blood samples from the dead and dying at Hillsborough to forcibly removing little old ladies like Violet Ecclestone (aged 91) from her own home then stealing more than £1.5m in antiques, to their latest little trick of intimidating a woman called Barbara (in her 70s) and threatening her in their attempts to prevent Brian Pead from exposing their corruption.

They have no shame.

Thank God we are policed BY CONSENT in this country and THANK GOD mature, intelligent people are now saying WE DO NOT CONSENT TO BEING POLICED BY CORRUPT INDIVIDUALS whose actions are then supported by corrupt courts.

Violet, we are working hard to get you justice.

Barbara, we will do the same for you.

The families at Hillsborough obtained justice ... so will we!

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